Don't be ashamed to rely on God's power, even when the world, or even other Christians, ridicule you for doing so.
Three examples, all involving fundamental doctrines, underscore just how vital this truth is.
Does the restoration of sinning saints mean the unconditional acceptance of sin that we find in much of today's Evangelical church? A word in the Greek New Testament tells us the answer.
The literal meaning of the Greek is actually more forceful than that used by the King James and New King James translators.
Why should we seek to bring the worthless treasure of the temples of this fallen world into our lives and into the church, when we have the incomparable Christ?
Some day God may call on you to take an uncompromising stand for the truth and against false teaching. What will you do?
The One whom Christ sent to act in His place in the Church on earth is not the Pope of Rome, but God the Holy Spirit indwelling every true believer.
A look at the original Greek of the New Testament gives the answer.
All authentic manifestations of agape love - God's love for us, our love for Him, our love for fellow believers - are rooted in settled truth, not our variable opinions or feelings.
If God's revealed truth has truly taken hold of us, it will govern every aspect of the way we think and live.