The original language of the angelic announcement of Luke chapter 2 plainly declares that the One who was born in Bethlehem is both fully God and fully man.
Jesus the Messiah came to redeem a people not only from among the Jews, but "out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation."
At His first advent the Messiah invaded Satan's territory at the head of an army of heavenly soldiers.
The song of the angelic army in Luke 2 is the first New Testament proclamation of the Christian Gospel.
Deists, among others, claim that the Bible presents an "insane picture of God." But who is truly insane?
Believers in the Messiah trust in the One who possesses the perfect righteousness that qualifies Him to redeem men and the creation.
The very facts that demonstrated Jesus' authenticity as the Messiah were a scandal to many of the Jews - but others understood and believed.
We are told that the Messiah "marveled" at the pathetic unbelief of the people of Nazareth. How could the omniscient Son of God marvel at anything?
The Messiah's attesting signs while on earth also speak of His present power to provide "grace to help in time of need."