A disastrous year is ending and a likely worse one is about to unfold. How are Christians to deal with it? Does Elon Musk have the answers?
In a time of renewed ends-times speculations and date-setting, we must recognize our limitations.
No one knew the strategic moment of Christ's first advent, or even the events immediately preceding it, until He actually came.
Only God would possibly know when that moment had come.
In the plan of God, timing is everything.
We may be the last generation before the return of Christ, or many generations may yet follow in the plan of God. In either case, the same truths apply.
"All things" in Ephesians 1:10 encompasses not only the redemption of believers, but of the entire creation. It will be consummated when Christ comes again.
In the original Greek, Ephesians 1:10 tells us that at the decisive moment in His plan, God will "re-gather together in one all things in Christ."
The "fullness of the times" (Ephesians 1:10) describes when Christ will come again. What are believers to be doing until that happens?
God's plan for the age is now approaching its culmination in a "Great Reset" to which the puny efforts of sinful men are incomparable.